Flat Butt Posture


As you can see, during pregnancy, my pelvis wants to tuck under to balance the weight of the growing baby and uterus (picture on the left).  If I were to move around with this posture throughout pregnancy, it could contribute to the flat booty and pelvic floor issues many mommas experience post-baby.  UNFORTUNATELY, this week I have noticed my butt is, SADLY, looking more flabby than it has in the past.  Time to focus on how this momma is holding herself up during the day!!!  Time to make sure I am practicing what I preach and focus on posture in the right picture. 

I need make a conscious effort now, for the next few weeks, to keep my posture in proper alignment and keep my pelvic untucked.  It is so important for postpartum recovery and what I preach daily! 

With my postpartum women, I am usually discussing how tucked butt posture causes misalignment of the ribs and pelvic floor, which can increase pelvic pain, leaking, pressure in vagina, hip pain and much more.  And this isn't just for women!  For example, my hubby just got a stand up desk at work and has been complaining of hip pain.  When looking at his posture, this is how he is standing during his work day.  Men do it too ladies!  

When tucking our butt under, our initial thought might be that I am clenching my butt so I must be making it stronger, but actually you aren't.  You are making it more weak by turning off the glutes from stabilizing you and you end up clenching more pelvic floor. A weak butt can increase pelvic floor dysfunction and make your postpartum recovery even harder because you don't have a strong butt for picking baby up properly or lugging the car seat around etc. 

So, start practicing better aligned posture in standing and while carrying/ lifting babies, groceries etc You body will thank you!!  


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