Empower Your Pelvis

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Peeing Your Pants Is Not Normal Part 2


Stress urinary incontinence means that your body will experience loss of urine when there is an increase in pressure in your abdomen. So if you leak urine when you laugh or run or jump or cough we need to work on your pressure management as it relates to your pelvic floor muscles as well as the strength of your muscles!

Urge urinary incontinence means that you aren’t able to “hold it” long enough to get to a bathroom before you experience urinary leakage. We need to educate you on urge deferment techniques to retrain your bladder and make sure your pelvic floor muscles have good mobility!

The majority of what we see in the clinic are types 1 through 4 but physical therapy can help with any of the 5. The moral of the story is that while up to 40% of the population experiences some form of urinary incontinence, so many people don’t seek treatment because they don’t know it’s not normal.

So let’s start with educating ourselves, our friends, and our family that these symptoms are COMMON but NOT NORMAL.