October Pelvic Posse Stars

October Stars of the Month

Heather’s Pelvic Star: Elizabeth Harding

While attending physical therapy at Empower Your Pelvis, Elizabeth rocked her first marathon (Chicago) in October and is now preparing for her second marathon (New York) in November. She has done all this while raising five children. We are so proud of you, Elizabeth!

Morgan’s patient of the month: Ashley Gilbert

“Ashley has had a really tough postoperative journey with her diastasis recti. She has had her ups/downs with recovery but has stuck with it all and has made amazing progress!”

Marin-Patient: Jamie Raymond

Jamie started coming to PT over the summer and was really feeling hopeful. Over the summer and fall she has travelled to help her family multiple times, but even when we go weeks without visits she keeps in touch, she does her homework, and she has recruited her husband to help with as much as he can! He came into a session the other day and plans to join at future visits so he can learn how to help when they eventually move in a few months! It has been so wonderful working with Jamie and I am so proud of her progress and her motivation! 

This photo is of Jamie and her Husband!

Erica-Patient: Pam Sweezy

Pam is a two time cancer survivor and has kicked her pelvic floor symptoms to the curb! She's worked so hard during all of our sessions, and is now working hard to strengthen her muscles to maintain the progress she's made.  Pam is excited to be able to return to the gym and go on vacation with her husband! She's booking her vacations as you read this!


What if I haven’t had a baby yet…?


When should I check for diastasis recti? I'm 4 weeks post-partum