Pelvic Posse Peeps

Morgan Clark

Pelvic Posse: Christine Michaelsen

“Christine is very positive every time she comes in! She is so calm and peaceful.”

Heather Evans

Pelvic Posse: Cynthia Johnson

Cynthia has the best attitude about life and health. She is an extraordinarily hard worker, and I have really enjoyed watching her make such amazing progress. My favorite quote of Cynthia’s is about retirement “it’s not about the wealth, it’s about your health.” 

Marin Cole

Pelvic Posse: Donna Brice

I have absolutely loved my sessions with Donna. She truly sees the value in physical therapy and has really become an advocate for pelvic floor physical therapy among her friends, colleagues, and greater community. She made amazing progress in physical therapy and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to not only help her but to learn from her,


The First Trimester


Lessons from a Halloween Skeleton