1 in 2 women pee their pants…do you?

Providing hope and empowerment for women in all stages of life

Are you pregnant or postpartum?


Do you have pressure down in the pelvis?


Are you dealing with pelvic pain with insertion or intimacy?


Are you pregnant or postpartum? | Do you have pressure down in the pelvis? | Are you dealing with pelvic pain with insertion or intimacy? |


Pelvic floor physical therapy is so much more than kegals!

At Empower Your Pelvis, we offer a holistic approach in treatment to help you retrain tissue to care for you, your family, perform your daily household activities, your work function, safely return to exercise, and live without pain or dysfunction. Every person deserves this type of care provided by Empower Your Pelvis. We are excited to be a part of your journey.

How would you like to get started?